Sabado, Oktubre 12, 2013

Computer subject is fun and easy.
                     Information and Communication Technology subject is not just easy at first. But when you’ve learn to love this subject, for sure you can easily understand the lesson specially when your teacher is good as our I.C.T teacher. Eventhough she is busy sometimes, she can handle or find time just to teach us. The one I am telling to you is Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz.
                     This second grading period, I want to improve my grade because I think my grade in first grading period is too low. That’s why I did all my best just to improve my grade. I’d placed all my blogs in only one URL. I also learned how to use the notepad and all the tags.
                     Computer subject is fun and easy to understand. And I do love this subject very much.


Teachers? They are our second parents. They guide us in a right way. Do you love your second parents? Do you think that you are here right now if there's no teacher?
 No professionals without our dear teachers. Our teachers has a lot of importance in our lives. they are the God's gift to teach us in a good way. They serve as a bridge to be successful in the future. Our teachers became part of our life. Since we are a kid, they became part of us. When I entered pre-school up to now, my last year of my high school life. By this experiences with them, I have proven that all the teachers can help all the students to be educated.
All the teachers are intelligent one. And I believe that they can't go with  that position if they are not well-trained.
all teachers in the world specially to the teachers of Ilocos Sur National High School, I salute you all ma'ams and sirs. Thank you for everything specially the knowledge you've shared to me. When I become successful someday, I will never forget you my dear teachers. And you deserved to be one of my hero in life.


Miyerkules, Oktubre 9, 2013

"UNRAVEL THE CAUSES, BUILD THE SOLUTION, EMPOWER SCIENCE CLUBBERS INTO ACTION"       Our environment today has a lot of changes. Do you seen this problem even at ones? or many times? Who do you think are the reasons why we had this kind of living today? Do you believe that we, the human's created by our dear God did this things?


          Our environment today has a lot of changes. Do you seen this problem even at ones? or many times? Who do you think are the reasons why we had this kind of living today? Do you believe that we, the human's created by our dear God did this things?
             This time, our environment getting worse day by day as we are in this world. Many people doesn't know how to control themselves to make a sin or a mistake.I salute the persons whom they are doing their best just to improve our environment. Because we will not overcome this if we don't want to face our problem in our environment. As the time runs, and we, our population growing up again, we shall have our lesser chance to heal our problem in our environment.

 "Natuready: Unravel the causes. Build the solution. Empower Science Clubbers in Action.". IN this theme,in my understanding, it states that we, the younger generation is the solution to this problem so we must do our responsibilities to heal this kind of problem here in our society. And we should also be aware of what our environment is now. We must solve this for our younger generation to be. So that they can feel what is the feeling of having a pleasant environment.

                   To end that problem, we must encourage all the people who doesn't have care to our environment to cooperate with us in doing such thing to make our environment clean and green.

Lunes, Setyembre 23, 2013

                                 INSPIRATION . . . .. . .  
                    In this world, almost all the people cannot pursue their dreams without a person whom their idolized. Just like me. I have my inspiration that's  why I am doing all me best to pursue my dreams.
                    This person why I am  inspired with is because he is doing all of his bests just to provide his family needs. I don't have anything to say with him because eventhough he is very tired in working, he can still do it because of loving to his family.
                    And time goes by, he suffered from athritis. By that time, he can't walk in a normal way. As I see my lolo that time, I can see in his face that he wants to give up because of that illness he had. But I was always encouraging him to fight from his illness eventhough his illness will be never healed.I am always telling to him that he should fight with that illness because we need him and we can't afford to loose him. And I do love very much my lolo. After a year, his sickness healed and we are so happy about that but  anytime, that illness may attack him. That's why we don't want our lolo to work again but he wants to work again in the feild to help his family. Everytime my lolo walks, he is like a robot in walking because of his feet.
                    By the way, the one I am talking all about is my one and only lolo, the lovable one. No other than lolo Crisanto Raras. I salute and idolized him him whatever may happen to us. And he deserve to be my one and only inspiration in life to finish all my dreams in life.

                What do you think about langguage is? Do you think that this can help our countrymen?  Should we care our langguage?
                       Simula pa lamang noong tayo'y isinilangsa mundong ito, namulat na tayo sa ating pambansang wika na wikang tagalog. Bata pa lamang tayo, ginagamit na natin ang ating pabansang wika. Bilang isang Pilipino, tungkulin nating gamitin ang ating pambansang wika bilang tanda ng pagmamahal natin sa ating sariling bansa. Karamihan sa ating kapwa Pilipino, nakakalimutan na nila ang ating sariling wika. Dahil karamihan sa ating mga kababayan ang namamalagi na sa ibang bansa at halos hindi na sila bumubisita sa kanilang pinagmulan. At hindi na rin alam ng mga iba na mgasalita ng wikang tagalog.
               Our national langguage is a way to our successful living in this world. It can help many Filipinos because this may serve as one of our inspiration in life if you are a true Filipino citizen. So, we should take good care our national langguage.

Miyerkules, Agosto 28, 2013


One of the subject that we have to learn is the computer subject. Because this time, we are living in high technology. That's why I am very thankful to our school because they gave us our computer subject in the regular class.

At the first grading period that we've taken the I.C.T. subject, we had learned so many things about the internet. Eventhough our mentor is busy sometimes, I know that she is doing her best just to have time to teach us our daily lesson. We'd also created our blogs. To post our activities there everytime we shall have our activity the rest of the school year.

When the first periodical tests comes, we are expecting that our test will be very easy for us because we reviewed very well. But we are all wring then. Because when the test papers  are on our hands and reading them, we are shocked. Because the test is very hard. I think, our test in I.C.T. is harder than our test Math that we had our computations there. After our test,  I told to myself that whatever I get in this exam, I promise to myself that I will be doing better for the rest of the school year. I will not let that I will get a low score again.

Without our I.C.T. teacher, we shouldn't have this kind of information in our minds. Without the help of Mrs. Vera Cruz, we didn't know our lessons by our own. That's why I am very thankful to her because she teach us well.



                "Aquino trumpets economic gains for the past year. He cites the Philippines' 7.8% GDP growth in the first quarter of 2013, the fastest in East and Southeast Asia. He also cites the Philippines' first-ever investment grade rating. The Philippines won an investment grade from two international credit rating agencies which acknowledged the country's efforts in trimming the budget deficit and shoring up revenue collections".
                   By that words given to us by our President last July 22, 2013, he is telling that our economics  had grown up. Because our country is the fastest in Asia in improving our economics. And we, the Filipino people must pursue this kind of improvement and we can b the richest country ever. We should help our officials to maintain our good economics. Because if we don't want to participate in all activity that our goverment told to us, we can't move from our poor lifestyle.  
                 Our President believe on us that we can overcome our poor lifestyle if we help each other to improve our economics. Because we, the filipino people is a fighter. We don't want to give up as long as we can do whatever trials may God give us.


As of this days, many Filipinos are suffering from unhealthy lifestyle because of the food that we eat. Do you want to have an unhealthy lifestyle? Do yo want to die young?
Everyone of us, wants a healthy lifestyle. Eventhough I, I want to have a good healthy lifestyle. If you have a good health, you may saty longer in this kind of society. You may also keep away from any kind of sickness or desease. And you can do a lot of of things that may contribute a good benefit to our countrymen. So. if you are not eating a healthy foods, as early as possible, you have to stop eating that because that may cause you to malnutrition. Malnutrition is a rare problem of our country that an individual may have. It has a high percentage of people dying every year. And the population of our country is decreasing.
In this case, we have to eat healthy foods so that, we may avoid unhealthy lifestyle or so called malnutrition.

Huwebes, Hulyo 11, 2013

Ilocos  Sur National High School
    Vigan City
June 16;2013

President Benigno ''Noynoy" Aquino

Dear Mr. President,
          First of all, I would like you to greet you a pleasant day Sir.In this letter, I am begging you Mr. President to help our alma mater in many things. like the renovation of our classrooms. Our some classrooms here Sir are low in quality . Because they are structed many years ago. And one of our problem here Sir is the books. The shortage of book is one of the problem here Sir. Because we cannot catch up our some lessons that are very hard. And we can't have our advance study for our next lesson. This is all I wanted to have for school Mr. President. It's my pleasure to write a letter for you Sir . 
          I am hoping Sir that you will grant this request.

Respectfully yours,
Leyan R. Raras